Friday, 26 February 2010


Yumchaa tea
From market traders in Camden, Yummchaa have opened delicious tea shops in Soho and Camden Parkway.
A lightheaded 10 minutes smelling jugs of loose Wanderlust, Caramel Sweetheart, Adventure tea. All of them were Berry berry nice.

The Nanny tunnel

A secret underpass under the Euston Road by Regents Park tube. The 'Nanny tunnel' was built in 1824 so nursemaids could lead prams to Regents Park without coming into contact with the riff raff on the busy 'bypass for London'. Apparently, local residents of Portland Place still use the passageway for their direct route to their garden; Regents Park. So said the gardener.
*RIBA London is working with engineers Price & Myers to present a temporary pavilion in Park Crescent for the London Festival of Architecture. No AV available. Maybe speakers will use a megaphone.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

No post for 20 days..

Hope you can forgive me!

Designer ping pong

Ron Arad's ping pong table at his exhibition at the Barbican.

I'm not excessively competitive. That is until my hand clasps a bat and I'm jogging on the spot, at the ready for a winning back hand spin.
Anyone for (table)tennis?

Friday, 5 February 2010

Mad Men

Mad Men Illustrations (via All the Mountains)

Venice Architecture Biennale

A somewhat open theme for the 2010 Venice architecture biennale; People meet in architecture.

The President of the Biennale Paolo Baratta elaborated on the chosen umbrella title;
“The 12th Exhibition wishes to reopen the discussion about architecture and its role in civilization. This discipline must be in a position to accept the challenge of organizing the space of our lives. In this sense, it must address one of the highest problems: the contemporary realization of the res publica”.

Curious about the response from the British Council appointed MUF architects who will determine what is showcased in the British Pavilion.

Biennales encourage odd overtones of nationalism. Let's collaborate with Japan.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Letterpress: printing of text and image using a press with a "type-high bed" printing press and movable type.
The delicacy of embossed letterpress.

Postcode Postcards and 'Blowin in the Wind' handkerchiefs
Harrington & Squires
Tufnell Park, NW5
(as profiled on This is Naive)

What type are you?