Thursday, 2 July 2009

ipod, iphone, ive

Jonathan Ive. VP of industrial design at Apple. Designer of something or 3 things you are likely to reach for each day.

Jonathan spoke at Innovation Night at the RCA in his humble manner earlier this week.
1. His team have a workshop in Silicon Valley. It is not the size of hangar. But bigger than your average garage.
2. There are no objects that he is particularly aching to re-design. He just can't fathom superfluous design.
3. English designers use too many excuses. If your prototype doesn't work, just make it again adjusting the spec.
4. An Education manager from the Design museum asked what she should tell a school group from Tower Hamlets, due to come to the museum the following day, about design. Ive's answer: Convey how everything has been designed and each 'thing' has a biography of its own.
5. Apple don't improve on other brands products. With a relatively small portfolio, they keep focused on design.

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