Monday 14 September 2009

EVENT: Werner Herzog

Prolific filmmaker Werner Herzog will be in discussion with Paul Holdengräber, Director of Public Programs of the New York Public Library on 3rd October at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre.
Part of Intelligence Squared's Legends Live series, the talk has been advertised with questions in advance. Herzog is set to be asked:

Was the 20th century a mistake?
What is the climate of excitement which makes film possible?
How were the colossal prehistoric menhirs of Brittany erected?
How do you move a steamship in similar fashion over a mountain?
Why is tourism a sin?
Why is travel on foot a virtue?

Holdengräber has aptly termed the medium of talks as 'cognitive theatre'. I'm curious about his style as well as Herzog's revelations on how to hoist a steamship over a hill.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man i LOVE werner hertzog - did you come see him last time with me at the BFI? i'm sure you did. he is so, so wonderful. are you free for this?
